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Imagine life with no windows. No natural light flowing into our homes, no picturesque views, no fresh air to let in and no real-time look at the day’s weather before heading out. With all the benefits windows provide, we almost forget they perform a very important function: energy efficiency, keeping inside air in and outside air out so your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work overtime.

How Are Your Windows?

Unless you see visible cracks, it’s often hard to determine if your windows are worn and no longer performing efficiently. The Roofing Annex recommends checking for these five signs to determine if it’s time for window replacement.

  1. Chipping, peeling, or staining. When windows are deteriorating, telltale signs are usually chipped or peeled paint around the window trim or water stains with warping on either side of the window.
  2. The windows are harder to open and close, or fail to stay open without sliding down. A decline in performance might mean air or water leaks are causing windows to swell, your house is settling, or the pressure on the windows has changed. Whatever the cause, your windows are no longer a perfect fit and have lost their energy efficiency.
  3. Window frames are deteriorating. When window frames are worn, damaged, or decaying, a gap is formed between the frame and the glass pane, creating unwanted airflow and causing the glass pane to become weak and unsteady.
  4. Insulation properties are failing. If you feel a draft from your windows, it’s a sure sign the insulation properties have diminished. Condensation, fogging, frost and ice forming on the window or between the glass panes are other signs of inadequate insulation since moisture is building up inside the window panes.
  5. Soundproofing abilities are weak. Your windows should be muffling outside noises, but if you can hear outdoor sounds louder in your home, the sound reduction features or thermal efficiency of your windows is deteriorating.

Do-It-Yourself Window Tests

There are quick and easy tests you can do to check the condition of your windows. We recommend performing these do-it-yourself window tests once a year in early spring so if you need replacement windows, the Roofing Annex can install them during favorable weather months.

  • Carefully hold a lighted candle at the window’s edge. If the flame flickers, drafts are entering through the window which means it is no longer airtight.
  • From the outside using a flashlight, follow the entire window frame. If a person inside sees the light shining through, the caulking, weatherstripping, or seal around the window has deteriorated, diminishing its energy efficiency.
  • Check for black mold growth around your window.
  • Gently tap your window and see if it rattles. If it does, then you have air leaks.

When New Windows Are In Order

If the above signs and tests indicate you need new windows, you have lots of options. Today’s windows offer incredible energy efficient features and convenient functions and have stylish features to update the appearance of your home.

The Roofing Annex offers a wide selection of replacement windows and provides expert installation, too. We offer windows that address home security concerns, meet diverse performance, maintenance and durability requirements, provide interior and exterior frame color choices, and give you glass design options to meet your home’s style and performance needs.

With our numerous window options, you can customize the type of windows you want for your home. Let’s talk windows today. Contact the Roofing Annex in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, or Chicago today and let us give your home a better window view.